Honda CRX Page


     In 1993, one new teacher at my school brought her 1984 Honda CRX to
  work daily.  As a practical joke, I used to pick up the back end of the
  car (very light!) and move it across two parking spaces... many people
  thought her parking needed practice.  She eventually found out what I
  did.  She wasn't happy.

     The next summer, I worked at her home doing landscaping and
  housesitting and bought the car for a mere $1500.  She taught me how
  to drive it and I put on almost two thousand miles in two weeks.

     The car was a joy to drive... to the point where the destination
  no longer mattered.  The 1.5L 4-cylinder carbureted engine cranked out
  an unsuspicious 76 horsepower, but left me feeling like the car was a
  "pocket rocket."  Indeed, the car was nimble and very quick because of
  its light weight.  That summer, I achieved 42 miles per gallon!

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