Honda CRX Page


      My first tragedy struck at the end of the winter of 1993.  On I-84
  in Hartford, Ct. the left side of the car travelled over the line of
  melting snow on the side of the left lane of the highway and lost
  traction.  The car went into a skid, rotating to the right and clipped
  the left rear corner of a 1987 Mustang in the next lane over, causing
  that car to spin out as well.  The last thing I remembered was a
  tractor trailer truck a short distance behind me.

      The truck must have avoided me, as well as the Mustang.  My car
  had stalled out in the right lane and I quickly restarted it and got it
  off the road.  The other driver did the same.

     After taking care of the paperwork and appraising the damage to the
  car, the body repair was estimated at just over $2000.  Because I did
  not have collision insurance, the insurance company didn't pay or care
  that the car was smashed, only that no one was hurt.  On the way home
  from the body shop estimate, the hood became unlatched while on the
  highway and flew up, smashing in the windshield.  Later, the hood
  was tied shut and the car was repaired shortly after.  Not amazingly,
  $2300 brought the car back to life and looking like new.

     The lightness of the car was a major contribution to the accident.

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