The Garage

If you've fallen in love with the dated styling and suprising performance of the Plymouth/Dodge/Chrysler Conquest or Mitsubishi Starion, then you surely must have let your imagination get the better of you. But if you have the means, the content on these pages will likely be helpful in getting your project car started.

All of the assorted multimedia listed below comes from my periodic "plundering" of brochures, websites, and elsewhere. Though it is likely you will enjoy my collection, if any of the content belongs to you, and you do not wish it displayed (or simply want credit), please e-mail me with your request.

Thanks for visiting the Garage!

Go ahead and poke around...
Pictures Links Motor Swaps
TechStuff Car Models Miscellaneous
Tires & Wheels Gears vs. Speed

Some interesting powertrain conversions...

394ci-Starion 302ci-Starion