So you're tired of the stock mill in your aging Starion or Conquest? There are many reasons to try your luck
with an engine swap:
- your stock motor is failing several ways at once... you've lost faith
- you're tired of scouring and scrounging for crappy, used parts
- you don't trust the few companies that fix/upgrade these motors
- you want a powerplant that doesn't need a million wires and hoses to run
- you believe in the old mantra: "There's no replacement for displacement."
- you were raised in an era of muscle-cars. REAL muscle. You want the REAL thing.
- you were just dealt a humbling blow by some kid with an Acura...
say it ain't so!
- and the list goes on. You have your reasons.
What's the magic formula? Sorry, but there isn't one. You're going to need resources to make it happen:
There's no replacement for other people's direct experiences. Read FAQs and consult other owners.
Engine swaps are not as rare as you might think.
One particularly well-documented example is "Project Conquistador" by Ted Wagner of Performance Mopar Magazine
Below are scans of five issues which cover this transformation. You may download and print them to help you get started.
- Part 1: Measure Twice, Cut Once
- Part 2: Just because it fits doesn't mean the party's over!
- Part 3: The transmission of power
- Part 4: Gauging our progress
- Part 5: Odds and ends
You don't have a machine/fabrication shop? Don't reinvent the wheel to get the parts you need.
- Crate Motors
- Transmission Components
- Chassis Components
- Diagnostics, Gauges
- G-Tech Pro - for analyzing shift points, power curves, braking, etc.
- AutoMeter - all guages, shift lights, mounting options
- Misc Goodies
You'll still need a few things to make it happen. The hardest to get:
- THOUSANDS of dollars. Don't plan to get the money from selling your stock mill...
- A forgiving wife or husband. Remember, they can SHUT DOWN your operation!
- An auto body worker/shop that doesn't mind fabrication and experiments.
- A good repoire with the Department of Motor Vehicles, if your car should ever see the public streets again.
- Patience, maybe years. Do it once, do it right, no matter how long it takes. You'll be rewarded.
Coming soon: Engine Swap Archives